Add FOBs and Smart Keys
We program your vehicle for all keys lost, key learning, Key FOBs, FOBICs, Smart Keys, Proximity Keys, & Reading Pin Codes. Mobile services only available in NW/SW Portland area (including Hillsboro, Beaverton area).
We specialize in BMW and Mini Cooper Keys and Fobs added to your car for 75% less than dealer. We are now fully equipped to program keys for all BMWs. As a BMW owner, you know that the procedure to add a new key to a BMW is very complicated and the BMW dealer charges a premium. BMW key systems we are equipped to program: EWS 1, EWS 2, EWS 3, EWS 4, CAS1 , CAS2 , CAS3, CAS3 ++, CAS4 , CAS4++, FEM / BDC.
Read and Clear Engine (ECU) Faults
Scan and diagnose control modules. Enable & reset special service functions & ADAS sensor calibration.
Advanced Module Cloning and Programing
We specialize in BMW ECU, DME, EIS, and ELV systems. We are equipped to clone all BMW DMEs and can program all immobilizers: EWS 1, EWS 2, EWS 3, EWS 4, CAS1 , CAS2 , CAS3, CAS3 ++, CAS4 , CAS4++, FEM / BDC. From 1999 to 2018.Â